hi def librarian

Time flies, books endure

Kepler’s Books has been a beloved local mainstay since 1955. Its historic roots took hold during the counterculture revolution of the 1950’s and 1960’s, when Roy Kepler founded the shop to encourage social activism and democratize reading.

In its heyday, Kepler’s was a cultural epicenter with a loyal following among Beat intellectuals, pacifists, Stanford students and faculty, and book lovers of all stripes for its commitment to fostering the exchange of “serious books and ideas.” Among many notable visitors over the years, the Grateful Dead and folk singer Joan Baez often appeared at Kepler’s holding impromptu salons to discuss ideas, political action, and music.

This photo shows Kepler’s Books as it appeared in 1968. The photo is among hundreds of mid 20th century architectural scenes in a city photo archive on Flickr. This particular photo really stood out to me for its subject matter and composition. I used Adobe Photoshop to color tint it from the original black and white.